Crosses in groups of 3

Including sizes and prices

Each cross I make is a part of my PRAYER JOURNEY – you could buy one of my pieces and make it a part of your PRAYER JOURNEY.

If you want to place an order – email me at
[email protected] or 
ring or text me on 07779 314342 

Please remember to include your
mobile number
and postal address.
Your details will remain with me and never shared with a third party.

Below is a Galleryof the majority of my groups of 3 crosses made in a variety of hard-woods. Once you have seen the one(s) you like, decide how large a piece will suit your needs and email me the information.

The crosses come in almost any shape and size, depending on what you want to say with them, and of course the place you have in mind for them.

3 Crosses curved

3 Crossses curvedHeightWidthThickness
Small12 cm7.5 cm1.5 cm£16.00
Medium18 cm10 cm1.5 cm£26.00
Large28 cm18 cm2 cm£38.00
Very Large38 cm22 cm2 cm£60.00

3 on a Hill

I’ve just done this one in much thicker wood to enable a T light to be fitted and also lasered the words Faith – Hope – Love on one of the blank sides – quite appropriate and exciting.

3 on a HillHeightWidthThickness
Small15 cm6 cm1.5 cm£26.00
Medium22 cm7.5 cm2 cm£40.00
Large30 cm12 cm2 cm£56.00
Very large45 cm15 cm2.5 cm£90.00

3 Crosses Leaning

3 Crosses LeaningHeightWidthThickness
Small15 cm6 cm1.5 cm£26.00
Medium22 cm7.5 cm2 cm£38.00
Large30 cm12 cm2 cm£56.00
Very large45 cm15 cm2.5 cm£92.00

3 on a Hill moving

3 on a Hill movingHeightWidthThickness
Small15 cm6 cm1.5 cm£24.00
Medium22 cm7.5 cm2 cm£35.00
Large30 cm12 cm2 cm£53.00
Very large45 cm15 cm2.5 cm£85.00

3 Crosses in Movement – Interactive

3 crosses interactively placed in backboard
3 Crosses in Movement InteractiveHeightWidthThickness
Small15 cm6 cm1.5 cm£36.00
Medium22 cm7.5 cm2 cm£47.00
Large30 cm12 cm2 cm£62.00
Very large45 cm15 cm2.5 cm£95.00

3 Crosses in Yew trunk

3 Crosses in Yew trunkHeightWidthThickness
Small10 cm10 cm1.5 cm£24.00
Medium22 cm22 cm2 cm£38.00
Large35 cm35 cm2.5 cm£60.00

3 crosses in 1 interactive

3 Crosses interactiveHeightWidthThickness
Small15 cm15 cm1.5 cm£30.00
Medium30 cm30 cm2 cm£45.00

Rectangular 3 crosses interactive

3 Crosses interactiveHeightWidthThickness
Small20 cm15 cm1.5 cm£40.00
Medium35 cm20 cm2 cm£60.00
Large50 cm25 cm2 cm£90.00

This piece is very flexible in use – it comes apart quite easily and each piece can be used independently.. It also works very well with the outer and inner pieces used together.

3 Crosses in 3D

3 Crosses in 3DHeightWidthThickness
Small30 cm30 cm15 cm£40.00
Medium45 cm35 cm20 cm£60.00
Large60 cm40 cm25 cm£95.00